Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is a one-on-one time that you set aside to listen to your inner life and explore the sacred threads or moments that are meaningful to you. A spiritual director listens alongside you, and brings awareness to the movement of the divine. I like to think of this relationship as a companion in the wilderness— both the dark, dense forests and the wide clearings —pointing out the cairn that leads along the path, or drawing your attention to something you might otherwise walk past.

Spiritual Direction is not therapy, but it can be therapeutic. We may explore topics that are similar to those covered in counseling, but the role of a spiritual director is not curative. It is a contemplative time, an opportunity to notice. Instead of problem solving or changing behavior, we simply listen. Together we explore moments, emotions, experiences, or interactions that bring awareness to the divine within us and in the world.

Though my background and spiritual upbringing are rooted in the Christian tradition, my approach to Spiritual Direction is very wide, encompassing all religions and spiritual leanings, or none at all. To me the experience of the sacred moments of our lives is not cornered into one particular set of beliefs, and I am joining you in your personal awareness of the sacred or divine. During our first session we can get to know one another and talk more about what you are seeking through our time together.

Session are offered online or in-person, including walking or hiking sessions.

Questions— email Megan at bewilderpgh@gmail.com

$80/hour regular rate
sliding scale offered, based on need