be·wilder pittsburgh

collaborative · contemplative · outdoor experiences

contemplative backpacking, retreats, and custom planning for solo, small, or large groups. all are welcome.


/bəˈwildər/ verb : cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.


/ˈwildərnəs/ noun : an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region.


/ˈwəndər/ noun : a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. verb : desire or be curious to know something. feel doubt.

time in wilderness and solitude creates space for the noise, chaos, and confusions of daily life to quiet and settle. we are relieved of the stress, fear, anger, and busyness that dominate our cultural, media, and political landscapes.

time in our natural and inner landscapes awakens us to meaning, clarity of self, next steps, or deeper consciousness.

observing the natural world reminds us of the finite and the infinite all around us. we are not alone here.

bewilderment becomes wonder.

finding solace in unknown

retreats and contemplative backpacking trips are one path to renewing connection to the divine mystery: God within us, God within every being, God within every force for good, God within every molecule of the universe.

a spiritual director is a companion through life’s wilderness, both the dense darkness and the open clearings, bringing awareness to the next marker on the trail.

where wonder and wilderness meet

wilderness formation is the change we experience as we pass through unknown landscapes. we are formed by practical and existential “wildernesses” like grief, life changes, global crises, sorrow for others and the pain of the world.

silence, solitude, and immersion in nature open our minds and souls to renewed purpose and compassion toward the ordinary and the suffering in ourselves and the world. we unclench our tight-mindedness and ease into wholehearted, open-minded living.

find your wild:

contemplative backpacking. retreats. spiritual direction. wilderness formation.

be•wilder aims to design a variety of offerings that are accessible and inclusive to all regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, economic circumstance, religion, spirituality, or national origin.